At the height of summer with bright, hot days and low flows in the river it is almost pointless going to the Usk to fish for trout. The trout are sleeping at the bottom and you will just get hot and bothered wrapped up in rubber waders.

However, if you take the brave decision to skip dinner (or eat something early)and head down to the river from about 8.00pm onwards you could be rewarded with some superb fly fishing. The hatches at dusk earlier this week have been enormous. These two pictures of Amelia and Matthew Wright were taken at the hotel's Llandetty Beat where the spent the evening of June 12th under the guiding hand of, Jimmy Devoy, the Ghillie. Amelia's fish must be around the 3.5 lbs mark.
Somebody else who putting fishing before his supper was, Peter Gavan. He told me he was normally apprehensive wading out alone into the Salmon Pool Beat below the hotel as it normally hides some deep holes within it, but the water levels down he felt far more confident or mid-summers' eve. Fishing between 8-10pm with a Coch y Bondu and a Tups Indispensable he had six trout, with 3 over a 1.5 lbs.
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